Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gradients of Destiny and Crawdad Fishing up at Holy Camp

Back, quite a ways, my Uncle Helmer's kid got caught up in an economic downturn; kinda like the one were all in now. He decided to get into the wholesale fishing business.
He and the neighbor boy saddled up their ponies, put on their rubber cowboy outfits and cantered up to the rendering plant for a ride around piles of three day dead horses. You can catch a mess of crawdads if you choose the right "three day dead horse."

They pulled the best of the horse flesh up to Big Stone Lake on a skid behind a Farm-All Cub tractor the neighbor kids father loaned them. They set their baits in their traps out near "Holy Camp" and in no time at all had a pretty fair share of "mud bugs" to sell.

Helmer had a shirttail relation by the name of Seal over in Minneapolis who was a desperate fish monger. Seal was willing to do anything to create a market for the boys new fishing business and to keep up his own mortgage payments in the process.

After about a week they were getting low on bait so they went back to the plant to stock up. Greed set in and they piled extra "three day dead horses" on the skid and set them out off the shores of Lake Travis nears Browns Valley Concert Hall where Lawrence Welk played on the weekends.

They baited their traps all over the area but for some unknown reason the catch played out fast!
Then, they made and awful, great discovery. If a crawdads pincher gets knocked off for some reason it grows right back! They wondered if that fish monger, name of Seal, was desperate enough to take orders for just crawdad pincher's.
The concept of "sustainable yield" was born.

Now, this was way before old man Stimson from the logging company way out in Forest Grove, Oregon was preaching conservation for the future of the forest products industry, or the environmentalist movement had even invented itself. This is long before anyone knew that human liver could do the same thing if cut in two. This is way before that fellow wrote the book "Solent Green!"

Nobody to this day knows for sure what makes certain things just grow back the way they do. There are scientists researching stem cells harvested from little babies embryonic cord blood to learn what might be possible to regrow right now if we had to. There seems to be something inside certain genes that just wants to be. The little cells seem to have what they call "Gradients of Destiny."
The idea is, you could take one of these little stem cells and regrow Christopher Reeves broken spinal cord for example. One guy who has been messing with this stuff made up a powder for his brother to dip his finger stub into after he cut it off on the table saw. The finger hurt like the dickens but by and by, sure enough, it grew back!

Charles Darwin took a sail boat named the Beagle down to the Galapagos archipelago in the eastern Pacific and noticed that little finches on the islands grew specialized beaks for breaking up different size seeds to eat. These seeds are different depending on what part of the island they are growing at and what the weather is like there. Some are soft and large and some are small and hard etc. The beaks of the finches turn out different as well to serve better the birds that hang out in the differing areas.
He came up with a "natural selection" hypothesis that assumed over the course of thousands of years better beaks emerged because the birds that had inferior beaks died off faster and the ones with good beaks became more and more successful. Get it?

Now,the Beagle had to take off pretty quick for other parts of the world so what Darwin didn't know was that those beaks changed in a matter of just a few generations. If you don't believe it; read up on it in the National Geographic February 2009 issue or watch it on the TV. Those beaks just kind of want to change with the situation. The Gradients of their Destiny depended on the rapidly changing weather in times of drought or raining periods. This occurs in a relatively short period of time mind you NOT thousands of years!

Scientists are mapping the human genome. They know now that genes are like building blocks with differing shapes. Now, the weird part is if you stack them up different they turn into different things. There are at least 23 maybe 25 thousand of these building blocks. Geometrically that is a lot of possible combinations to understand but with the aid of computers it might be possible and useful to know. Lots of different combinations and rates of growth with mysterious built in on/off switches make different gradients of cell destiny.
If you stack them up a certain way you might get a crawdad pincher or stack them differently you may get a good singing voice. Works the same for birds and human tenors, if you know the right stacking order and how to turn on and off the growth recipe. No one knows just why this is or what makes cells know what they are to be.

The heavens have an inexplicable tendency to do things in an elegant order even though the mathematical tendency would be for things to be chaotic. Stephen Hawking the great wheel chair bound theist cosmologist synthesized voice of our age stated “ The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.”

By the way, these useful building blocks are still being used to regrow crawdad pinchers which can be purchased out at Gales Creek "Bargain Basement Bobs Bait Shop" just off the exit heading up to Scoggins Dam where the Stimson Lumber Mill once flourished. Crawdad meat is almost irresistible to "Sea Run" cutthroat trout. Next time you are heading for any Oregon coast stream get a mess of crawdad meat for bait. Old man Seal, the desperate fish monger, still enjoys the residuals from his early sales effort. You can also get a taste of pincher down in New Orleans at Crabby Cathy's Creole Castle on the way to Captain Terry's south of town across the big bridge crossing the Mississippi.

Back to these little building blocks. They can be stacked to create the mundane or the "God Particle" being assembled in Europe in a long tube which can accelerate particles in opposite directions to the speed of light. They collide them to create little black holes to simulate the start of the universe. They haven't connected yet but it is just a matter of time. Get it?

What makes these things want to be what they become?
No one knows; but it is increasingly cumbersome to keep referring to these Gradients Of Destiny.

A large number of folks just shorten it to the nick name G.O.D.

Now a word from our sponsor:

I wish I had better news about our old friend and former sponsor Hot Dog Traveller. After the court hearing it was reported to this office that credit card trails from the firm fell off somewhere down in New Guinea outside of the Port of No Return. We will of course keep you posted if we hear anything.


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