Sunday, April 12, 2009


The rumor is, a lot of folks won't read blogs even if a friend sends them, because of the fear that politics may be found in the content. A lot of folks don't want anything to do with thinking ahead on their own in these matters. Most folks are much to busy with the day to day order of things and don't have much confidence in their own big picture thinking any how. They would rather just hire someone every four years or so to do their thinking for them.

That's why we have a representative republic instead of a democracy. Can you imagine running a whole country democratically! It would take forever just to decide on what kind of dog to pick out as the presidents family pet.

Not so with SWINE. It has a very high opinion of itself on just about any subject you can think about all the time.

Still, there has been concern regarding low readership on the part of one sponsor, that actually can not be quoted at the moment due to pending litigation, over agreements made regarding readership.

Now; one would think that friends associated with the columns writers and staff would consider just how crucial beginning readership numbers can be to a fledgling fly by night operation like this one and would throw a bone of support.

The thought has been forwarded that there may be some "political content" in the articles that would account for the reluctance to do so.
There have been 32 weekly issues of SWINE published since its inception. Growth in readership is steady at about 2.7% increase weekly.

In order to establish how political SWINE articles are the editor had one guy count the number of articles that were political and 3 were counted! THREE! The readership short fall could not possibly be explained by readers fearful of the discovery of too much political mulch. Another guy started in on a recount and found 4 possibly 5 total articles of political content in the entire SWINE blog.
Bottom line, there isn't much political content for folks to be uncomfortable with reading at all, maybe just 4 to 5% is all. Mostly middle of the road according to the best critical thinkers in the bunch.

Only the most inescapable conclusion can be drawn.

The damn thing just isn't much worth reading.

Quick buck

Some new readers came to the blog lately with some pretty fair points about the stock market bubble of the 90's and the resounding interest in it's continuation.

The new thinking is that real wealth is built to last over time and can't be achieved with over night luck. Or, wait a minute maybe that's the old thinking.

Let's listen in

one guy
"Agreed. In a society built around the employer/employee relationship, though, getting from here to there seems daunting to most people, myself included.
next guy
"Hey, nothing fundamentally wrong with being an employee. Be the best one you can be. Be an associate of the owner of the company. Be sure that every thing you do during each moment of your day including your imagination and your intellect is yours in the company.
Do not punch a time clock and call the punched in time company time!
The more people we have acting independently and self directed; the more the power of the economy is spread around and the
safer we are from a powerful few.
another guy
Think about this -------------Americans recently polled by Fox-------------
53% believe in capitalism
20% believe in socialism
27% don't know
Look the big point is:
53% of Americans polled "believe in" capitalism like a religion or something? It's an economic system! It works in a certain way or it doesn't. It is a function not a nebulous ethereal concept. (incidentally it works so well in order for it to benefit mankind some restraint must be placed on it with rules of law enforced by peer presure and government)
The smaller point is:
What in the hell are those 27% thinking about?
The other point:
Why are there 20% of us that want some kind of socialist program?
Joining a line of non-productives for a hand out! Are they deluded into thinking that if they joined an "elitist class" struggle movement they suddenly will be a hugely successful individual destined for a controlling position in the elite?
As contrasted to unsuccessful person in a capitalist world that encourages success?
Remember there is a percentage (how large I am not sure) that really believe that they are not capable productive citizens and need a helping hand. I have dear friends that have told me so about themselves. I deny that they can not contribute, and for the most part they can if given love and encouragement and a clear path to employment.
Then there is another percentage that wants socialism to popularize so they can be in an exploitative position.
last guy
If I were a socialist I would be in one of those controlling positions "guarandamnteed".

The question for each of us is; what are we as individuals.
I wonder if the vast majority really even knows! Or, is THAT the 27%
Due to pending litigation no sponsorship to these articles has been solicited.
Talks continue, we'll keep you posted as to the outcome.

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