Sunday, August 31, 2008


2001 Space Odyssey. "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"!

Remember? The computer had gained a sense of self.
It had it's own entity.
It began to connive to survive.

Back when we first learned of computers we saw group speak, and computer geeks take a strangle hold on our independent doodle pad thinking.
Then all at once from doodle to Goggle we had a Jean-Paul Sartre existential moment when we found each of us on line as individuals working together but apart to a common good.
Wasn't so scary anymore.

I think of the Federal Government much in the same way!
A lot of geeks and group thinkers trying to take over our independence.
The personal life is dead. Long live the State.
It began to connive to survive.

Government began to feed itself and started thinking of humans as the caretakers. Lots of caretakers with jobs oiling the good old bones of the government.
All you have to do to keep your job is once every four years go down to the government voting booth and punch out a little box that promises more government caretaker jobs.

You can actually vote for your own feed bag full of goodies as long as enough of your government buddies do the same.
They say just about half of the population are in on it now in some way or another.
So, the other half has a lot of real work to do to fill all the big feed bags.


Last Thursday we saw the Democratic Convention on the TV and we witnessed the "improbable candidate" graciously accept the nomination for the presidency.

Then, we saw just a hint of something spectacular.

He suggested the people go to work for a change!

Yep; he kept this idea pretty much to himself till he got the democratic nomination.
Then he sprung it on them.

THE PROMISE--- "It is that promise that has always set this country apart-that hard work and sacrifice, each of us can pursue our individual dreams, but come together as one American family, to ensure that the next generation can pursue their dreams as well."

He reminded us what the Humans are for.

Think of it! A democratic candidate for the top job stood right up there in Denver Colorado and told us that "the change we need doesn't come from Washington.
Change comes to Washington!"

The corporate collusion two step we have all been enjoying and enduring as of late can be turned off?

Really------------------------- I'm afraid---------------can they do that?------ Dave

He suggested that the change would come if the Humans turned off that machine.
"And Democrats we must also admit that fulfilling America's promise will require more than just money. It will require a renewed sense of responsibility from each of us to recover what John F Kennedy called our intellectual and moral strength."

Yes, Barrack Obama had hinted that he would help turn off the big government machine!
He was careful not to promise to turn a whole bunch of people off, but he said he would help.
Man that had to scare a whole lot of people with the thought of having to go to work for a change.
Now, John McCain hasn't had a chance to get up on his promissory points yet out there in St Paul. So we'll have to see what he has to say about everything.

He just picked a Vice Presidential Partner that is currently the Governor of Alaska!
A lot of people like her up there cause she isn't scared to turn off the big machine wherever she finds it running. She went after Exxon; but still wants to drill for oil, and McCain doesn't.
He sides with the environmentalists that want to exploit all the rest of the world first and leave our stuff whole and untouched till the end. That will be interesting.

Her husband will be the "first dude" in the Blair House if McCain and She are elected. He works in the oil fields now and is in a labor union. Politics makes strange bed fellows for sure.

I know John McCain has felt like a combatee and has been maverick against government of one kind or another all his life. I believe he is not afraid of much after what he has been through, and at 72, he probably isn't too worried who's machine he is messing with either.
I like him, and would be really happy to vote for him if it it weren't for this new fella who says he has a way of getting a lot of people out to work for a change.

I'm still watching and waiting to see how he can change the minds of so many so soon.

He did for sure already change the Clinton's and the way they will be thinking for awhile.

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