Sunday, August 31, 2008


2001 Space Odyssey. "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"!

Remember? The computer had gained a sense of self.
It had it's own entity.
It began to connive to survive.

Back when we first learned of computers we saw group speak, and computer geeks take a strangle hold on our independent doodle pad thinking.
Then all at once from doodle to Goggle we had a Jean-Paul Sartre existential moment when we found each of us on line as individuals working together but apart to a common good.
Wasn't so scary anymore.

I think of the Federal Government much in the same way!
A lot of geeks and group thinkers trying to take over our independence.
The personal life is dead. Long live the State.
It began to connive to survive.

Government began to feed itself and started thinking of humans as the caretakers. Lots of caretakers with jobs oiling the good old bones of the government.
All you have to do to keep your job is once every four years go down to the government voting booth and punch out a little box that promises more government caretaker jobs.

You can actually vote for your own feed bag full of goodies as long as enough of your government buddies do the same.
They say just about half of the population are in on it now in some way or another.
So, the other half has a lot of real work to do to fill all the big feed bags.


Last Thursday we saw the Democratic Convention on the TV and we witnessed the "improbable candidate" graciously accept the nomination for the presidency.

Then, we saw just a hint of something spectacular.

He suggested the people go to work for a change!

Yep; he kept this idea pretty much to himself till he got the democratic nomination.
Then he sprung it on them.

THE PROMISE--- "It is that promise that has always set this country apart-that hard work and sacrifice, each of us can pursue our individual dreams, but come together as one American family, to ensure that the next generation can pursue their dreams as well."

He reminded us what the Humans are for.

Think of it! A democratic candidate for the top job stood right up there in Denver Colorado and told us that "the change we need doesn't come from Washington.
Change comes to Washington!"

The corporate collusion two step we have all been enjoying and enduring as of late can be turned off?

Really------------------------- I'm afraid---------------can they do that?------ Dave

He suggested that the change would come if the Humans turned off that machine.
"And Democrats we must also admit that fulfilling America's promise will require more than just money. It will require a renewed sense of responsibility from each of us to recover what John F Kennedy called our intellectual and moral strength."

Yes, Barrack Obama had hinted that he would help turn off the big government machine!
He was careful not to promise to turn a whole bunch of people off, but he said he would help.
Man that had to scare a whole lot of people with the thought of having to go to work for a change.
Now, John McCain hasn't had a chance to get up on his promissory points yet out there in St Paul. So we'll have to see what he has to say about everything.

He just picked a Vice Presidential Partner that is currently the Governor of Alaska!
A lot of people like her up there cause she isn't scared to turn off the big machine wherever she finds it running. She went after Exxon; but still wants to drill for oil, and McCain doesn't.
He sides with the environmentalists that want to exploit all the rest of the world first and leave our stuff whole and untouched till the end. That will be interesting.

Her husband will be the "first dude" in the Blair House if McCain and She are elected. He works in the oil fields now and is in a labor union. Politics makes strange bed fellows for sure.

I know John McCain has felt like a combatee and has been maverick against government of one kind or another all his life. I believe he is not afraid of much after what he has been through, and at 72, he probably isn't too worried who's machine he is messing with either.
I like him, and would be really happy to vote for him if it it weren't for this new fella who says he has a way of getting a lot of people out to work for a change.

I'm still watching and waiting to see how he can change the minds of so many so soon.

He did for sure already change the Clinton's and the way they will be thinking for awhile.

This Blog has been brought to you by our very fine sponsor
Use it anywhere anytime you need anything to eat ---------this stuff is for you.

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's the stupid economy

Barrack Obama has mentioned to me many times on the TV that he is after change. I find this very comforting after having endured so many years of George W Bush trying to get at my folding money.

I heard that George Bush had spent as much as Bill Clinton by the time we hit April in the forth year of his term. So we went on spending like a drunken sailors on the federal government for another 8 months.

Now, I liked the idea that Bush kept up with Reagan's tax cuts. He just didn't help cut the overhead and therefore spent too much.

I read Obama's new tax plan which might even be better Reaganomics than Reagan. Hope the Democrats don't find out. He promises to lower taxes even more on the major amount of working people but raises the levels on guys making the work happen above $250,000 per year.

Before in Reagan's and Bush's plan there is an explicable 1 1/2% additional drop based on the old Clinton plan at the $209,000 level for the guys who make the work available.
So, I guess those guys end up paying 3 1/2% more than they did in the last administration.
That is $8750.00 sent off to feed the federal government more than they would have in the past.

I have a friend that makes that kind of money and once in a while he hires me for about three times that amount of money to build another building somewhere. I hire somewhere around 70 different people who get to make a little money off his building projects.
I sure hope he still is in the mood to do it again even though he has to pay some guy in the federal government a third of the money I normally get .

I wonder if the federal government will try to get into the building business? McCain said the other day he wanted to spend 80 million bucks to buy back those bad sub prime loans that the bankers made here a while ago. I guess they are going into the building business and they are going to need that money I usually get.

I am really scared of everything getting bigger and more difficult to manage.
Yet my countryman keep voting like drunken voters to make it so.

I realize now that I am alone.---------On myself I have relied.

So here I stand on my own.------------------------- If I fail I tried.

Be sure to load up with a box of General Chow this weekend for your Labor day trip. Our very fine sponsor assures us there is at least a gross of General Chow in the greater Portland area. Remember General Chowpairs well with white or red wine as it is both gelatinous and crunchy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The other day Barrack Obama suggested we all check our tire gauges for proper pounds per square inch inside our tires. Incorrect pressure could waste gas and lead us all to ruin.

John McCain suggested we do a lot more than that! He thought, a little while back, that the government should quit taxing gas at the pump for the summer and save us a couple of bucks; maybe $75 if you have driving habits like mine.

I think we are all "left" thinking "right".

On the weekends I pump my tires up to at least 110 pounds per square inch to get that cat screeching scream around corners to impress the young folks. Then during the week I lower the pressure to around 40 pounds per square inch to assure soft luxury ride and increase traction when I drive on sand.

Now, I have noticed I hardly ever get gas on the weekends so that must work, and when pumping my tank full during the week I feel so proud to be a successful American that I enjoy paying the $75. to the government to help the poor unfortunate ones stay in their place and just depend on the government for their next meal. Saving gas money with self respect.
I wish I could vote them both in for the rest of my life.

"Just get it over with" vote McCain / Obama for the rest of your life.

Last week my hired officials in the "HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES" voted to take some money away from the people who had invested in Exxon oil. Apparently they had made 7 1/2% on revenue last quarter and since they thought they had helped them so much with taxes and all and they had so much fun with that Valdez court decision they thought they would vote to take some money to keep some other class of people on the string somewhere where they don't have gas money .

They did not ask me if it was OK they just did it.
The Senate did not think it was OK to just take money from people even if they do have some pretty big guns to do it with.
Big government and big public business do collude so much it kind of seems like everybody's money anyway.
In the end the people in the Senate thought about what might happen if someday someone may vote to take their money away from them.

I have thought about it. I think about it a lot!

For me I do not think it was OK for the Exxon ship to kill an entire way of life and then not pay out some money to help make it right even after the court told them they had to.
I don't think it is OK to take the money from people that are supposed to be paid dividends for retirement and such before or after they paid the people of Valdez who were owed it first.
I checked and I have stock in my mutual funds that includes Exxon I want the money I have coming for my efforts after I pay my share to the people of Valdez!
NO I DON'T THINK IT WAS OKAY shame on the guys in the House of Representatives!

Lets think real seriously about taking away their money this election!

When I was at Edwards Building Supply we were always trying for 15% on the money we went through each quarter. I am sure glad we never got successful at that.

Of course I suppose I would have gotten famous by being on TV telling everyone we want big government regulating our every move including taking our money away from us from time to time if they promised to use it to give little gift packets to people standing in line waiting for what is "left".
I could have started a little company manufacturing the packets in China and made a million for me and all the kids who worked for me in the summer while waiting for law school to resume in the fall.

Thank you for reading this little Blog missive and remember to support our sponsor "GENERAL CHOW"
Be sure to pick up a pallet of this very fine product for your next camping foray. It can be used as fire starter, camp meat, and chum bait for those Kokanne. This stuff is way cheaper than creamed corn now that all the liberals are burning it in their four wheel drive SUV's heading out to the Mall for "GREEN" T SHIRTS

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mind blogging moment Opening day for My first blog

I have never read a blog except for my son Abram's who has just started "Abrams Right".

He has set this one up for me.

He thinks I could use an outlet for all this pent up intellectual energy, and he thinks you the reader may actually be interested in what I might write about that normally runs rampant in my head!

So way up front you must know that I don't like people telling me what to do.
I will write this because I'll enjoy it and I think It will help with a focus and be good for us all.

I pretty much make judgements regarding everything based on whether or not this or that is trying to make me do something I don't want to do.
I don't like people telling other people what to do.
I don't like people who help people tell other people what to do.

I am just wired that way. I think most people are wired pretty much the same way down deep inside, but maybe not so much right on the surface like me.

I believe right up front, right on the surface that we all ought to have respect for each others individuality and that by itself is a general condition for all of us together to be happy.

The contrary irony to this general condition is, I'll probably soon be telling you why you ought to be getting wired up just like me.

I'll tell you right now, if you want to tell somebody what to do; tell them to do what ever they want to do for themselves . People should not expect others to do things for them that they could reasonable do themselves.
Now, sometimes you just can't do things big without considerable help from others.
So get along to get along.
Be very careful when giving out your individual liberty.

I believe all people share this belief in the same general condition. The sense of self worth, the love of self direction and the liberty to pursue their own kind of happiness. I also think that people sometimes forget the general condition from time to time and make shortcut compromises that lead to unintended consequences.
It can sometime take years to put back right the general conditions it takes to live happily. I also think that sometimes people are confounded and confused and used by others who think the wiring of their ambition is so important it needs to short circuit the wiring of others general condition.

This blog then will be used as a kind of meter to measure this and that considering different things to help preserve the general condition.

You should know I love doing stuff for people. Ask me to do something with you and I'll do just about anything to please you. Bark out an order at me with authority to do something and I am gone. I have noticed that the more I put myself into a project the more to my liking it becomes.
I am very wary of other "authority"

I question authority; but I think people ought to help one another in pursuit of their own ambitions and in this process some people get to be an accepted authority. Get along to get along. Be very watchful of this. This authority can lead to some scary politics from time to time as we all know.
Live philisophical. Choose the things to do you love, and you will never work a day in your life, be your own boss, be your own critic, do the best you can do, be satisified with yourself, live liberated.
Always do more than you think you could do or are expected.
Always sell the biggest and best doughnut in the store to your customer.

I hope this blog will help sort out the the shorts in the wiring and keep us in pursuit of the general condition.

For all your camping needs pick up a case of "GENERAL CHOW" You can heat and eat it over a campfire or cold right out of the can. It is also a handy cleaner and a great emollient for rough skin.