Saturday, July 4, 2009

AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY-------------------------------"D-I-Y"----------------

Every year on the fourth of July Some Americans that really get it celebrate "DO IT YOUR SELF DAY"

By the mid 1700s, the 13 colonies that would become the United States of America were finding it difficult to be ruled by a King George the Third. They were tired of the taxes imposed upon them. But, Independence was a gradual and painful process. People then as today were accustomed to the expression and practice of "Let George Do It". The colonists could not forget that they were British citizens and that they owed allegiance to King George III.

When George Washington became President many people still didn't get it and asked; is he the new King then? NO! he is the president who presides over a "DO IT YOURSELF" government!

Think of it like a giant Home Depot that makes products, services and information available to the do it yourselfer. You don't hire Home Depot to do it for you if you can help it! You will get a poor job, pay too much and have no recourse for a fair remedy of deficiencies. Use the tools the founding fathers gave you to "DO IT YOURSELF"

Still today many people do not appreciate their Independence to decide for themselves. "Let George do it" still resounds in the minds of these simple little thinkers. "Let George do it"; King George, George Washington, George S Patton, George Bush Sr, George Soros, George Bush Jr, George Carlin, George of the Jungle the list could go on and on.

Part of

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."

Do this: Not just today, but everyday, to celebrate your Independence. Continue to reform your government by self determination. Make yourself better, faster smarter than you were the day before. When you are at work at Nike, or the Food Mart, or in a government position, or in a factory somewhere, think of the service you are providing, and if that service could be contracted to the company instead of being done by your employment there. Be a free thinker. Be your own decider. Be your own business. Pursue your own brand of happiness. Operate your own government. Be your own boss. If you're worried about being layed off, but you are very sure you are actually contributing to the success of the operation think of how you could contract the service you provide at a reduced cost to the company and at a better profit to you the provider.

This is the day to remember you have a right and a duty to yourself to do that!

Here is a real simple and true example. In the pre-manufactured roof truss business there is a factory that provides 2x4x22 7/16" precut blocks that fit between trusses or rafters as they are installed in buildings. These stupid little pieces of scrape wood are provided cheaper faster better than companies can provide for themselves! These are companies that cut dimensional lumber in mass quantities yet still can not make little blocks of lumber cheaper than this one guy can make and ship them all over the country and profit on them as well. The individual that decided he could make these blocks at a profit was not a "let George do it" kind of a guy. Celebrate that!

I guess we need government as a necessary overhead to do somethings I suppose; standing army, law enforcement, roads, bridges, water reservoirs, space program etc.
Wait!----- --didn't Bill Clinton decide that contractors at Haliburton run by Dick Cheney could provide for the troops in Iraq better than the traditional army?

Hey wait a minute! ---------Why does the government hire private contractors like Black Water to provide security.
Hold on a bit longer ---------didn't some independent guy Paul Allen shoot a rocket into outer space faster cheaper better and more fun than the government?

I heard Sir Richard Branson was going to ship folks for a fee into outer space as a profitable amusement. English guy, heard about America and it's ability to have it's citizens think independent. Celebrate that.

Hot Dog Traveller asks you to have a safe and sane holiday that does not include blowing off hands and feet.

DH ( heeez govmint man ) I know what you're saying that people just don't want to hear it. But, we at HOT DOG TRAVELLER are helpless to desist. We simply must amble on with the dismal acknowledgement it may not be the message but the inept way in which it is delivered.

Our hopefull mission is after we are shed of this decision to take federal help has been routed and we again are at "liberty" to pusue our own ambitions we pray we will have been blessed with the wisdom to help change the things that can be changed and the wisdom to see the difference. HDT (heezme)

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