Wednesday, December 24, 2008



When aggregate power has become too pervasive and abundant you can't keep your economic cookies from crumbling!
We have way too many nuts making cookies and there is not enough dough to hold it all together.

You can not fix a failed cookie recipe by making a bigger batch!

Loaning money to a system that does not have the right mix can not produce a different result! All you get is just a bigger batch of bad cookies.

The government wants us to loan our money to guys who have proved they do not know how to run their operations successfully. It does not even insist that they consider a different recipe . The best thing they have offered as a way of changing their operations so far is they won't fly around in big airplanes as much!

We know ,the only thing for sure is that we lose along with them, by loaning public money which means each and every dollar anywhere in your Grandmothers sock to your fancy smancy cash/bond broker accounts will lose value due to the increased inflation we suffer by dilution of the money value; IE: not enough dough
so to speak!

I'm not just talking about the auto industry alone; it is the whole cookie jar kids!
We have Bear Stearn's, AIG, Lehman Bros ,Washington Mutual, Fannie May, Freddie Mac , Indy Mac, maybe even Big Mac as far as I know, all going insolvent. All hooked together in this regulated publically owned government run, capitalist socialized partially vested collective.

The number one most wonderful thing about free market system is when things don't work they fail, and things that do work, keep going on working to provide vital service to the consumer.
The number two wonderful thing about free enterprise is everybody gets to decide. Yes, there are laws to follow. The government maintains the mixing bowl but keeps it's hands out of the cookie jar.

We are being told that they can't fail because they are too big.
Well they have failed and they continue to fail us consumers.

If I have to invest my governments fortune in an auto company why not make it a million dollars at a time to these new little outfits building these great electric and alternate energy cars. Give them a million and then another million when progress is demonstrated and make them pay back the money out of their successes.
I'd just spend maybe 20 million dollars instead of 500 billion for a demonstrable Obama Change.

I love Ford pickup trucks. I have owned one or another all my life. Ford makes a good pickup. All the rest of the automobiles in my little fleet are made by foreign manufactures.
Thanks to the free market system and private enterprise I buy my vehicles from people who do not operate under rules imposed by the AFL-CIO and idiot mid management teams. If I was Ford I would find out if I could make a living just selling the "most successful selling pick up in America." I would sell the rest of my asset infrastructure to another outfit who could re-tool and build some real fine electric cars, or tractors, or some other contraption that everybody on the planet just has to have.
I would not help put the whole world in economic jeopardy because some 3 million people have tried to convince me and my congressmen they are too incompetent to get jobs in winning successful operations!

Why then are we loaning money to these failing outfits? Does not Congress have enough to do without deciding what kind of an automobile I want to buy. I'll bet you they are going to try to tell me what kind of products I want with the rationalization that they have the best interests of the public in mind since the public is invested in the company producing the product. Wait and see. Oh wait just a minute, thats what too many people do now, just wait and see. Government wants the increased power that comes with the regulation of this industry. They have colluded with them for so long one can hardly see daylight between the government and the company anyway.

Do not be one convinced that this collapse of the system is due to a inate flaw in the basics of a free market system.

This is NOT free marketing. We, that is, everybody allowing this to continue, and me too incidently being draged along are promoting a central planning system, that only a few get to participate in. Freedom of commerce is what will correct our cookies. Sell the infrastructure to someone who can run it successfully Those people can learn to work for a new outfit for Gods sake. Break a few eggs. Make a good cookie

Government operated central planning of commerce --------------------------------DOES NOT WORK!


This little missive has once again been brought to you by GENERAL CHOW Why not place a twelve pack of this very fine product under the tree this Christmas. Make stocking stuffers out of our back packing light weight "green" product.

Old Chinese proverb "You can not borrow your way out of a fix----------------------without making changes to your product mix"

Trust me I have tried it myself and it does not work! "General Chow"

Obama promises a change. Now would be a real good time to start. Get real. Start cooking.

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