Thursday, November 27, 2008


WELL NOW -------------------BLACK FRIDAY Nov 28th 2008

My right wing Republican friends in an effort to create a more perfect Socialist Party are bemoaning the loss of the recent presidential election.


My left wing friends in an effort to create a more perfect Socialist Party are bemoaning the loss of rhetoric for the left and are watching Barrack Obama rehire the centrist Clinton administration with an emphasis on moving toward Reganomics or better stated OBAMANOMICS!
So far he seems to be honoring his campaign promises to include the tax cuts for 95% of Americans IE: the $250,000 a year earners, and it looks like he is going to allow Bush's tax schedule to continue till it runs out.
This will maintain cuts in income tax rates for the real productive $250,000 plus crowd.

Arianna Huffington warned Obama to not move to the right which she perceived he was doing along about July. Arianna told me Wednesday on public radio that a catastrophic economic disaster is a "terrible thing to waste". She called the Obama brand------------- "Obama zero"
George Soros seems to be warning his followers that Obama does not seem to be turning out to be "our man"!
"Move on" George. Arianna claims that "the right is wrong" accepting influences from the "lunatic fringe".

(G. Bush Sr)

Republicans? or Democrats?
Which can lead us most quickly to the great socialist ideals of Karl Marx?

Recently some right wing Republican friends of mine very adamantly defended limited Socialism as developed by Governor Palin with regard to her Oil revenue redistribution policy and another bunch really liked Senator McCains advocating for public investment in many of our largest publicly owned corporations.

Here; this is from Merriam Webster defining the concept.
Date: 1837
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

Now I had a wide number of contemporaries try to redefine this bit of historical record to justify actions of their favorite candidates. No amount of collective tyranny or peer group pressure could dissuade me from my basic belief in an individuals right to free commerce and personal freedom.

I don't know, maybe it isn't really Socialist if it is just a minor percentage.
Maybe 20 % doesn't even qualify. Just heading toward the concept of control by the state may not be Socialist by itself. At least some of my friends compliment me for my brilliance in considering this possibility if just momentarily. Maybe we need to measure by degree.

THIS LAND IS MY LAND, THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND to see if we can start the movement really rolling. Bruce Springsteen and Mike Huckabee could be national singers.
We could all sing it say four times a day. It could be pumped through loud speakers all over the country. Especially in the Big City States where we need a concentrated effort to harmonize.

Lets have WPA plans for the benevolent future run by our corporate heads to make sure they are as productive and successful as they possibly can be.
Lets have our cars designed by government guys because god knows the consumer sure as hell doesn't have the right these days to drive what ever he wants.
Be sure that the damn things are built by members of the AFL - CIO and the up to date management coolie's with the pencils and slide rules who watch to be sure they can turn real good to the left as they perform for NASCAR Republicans.

I am somewhat puzzled and am seriously asking for some guidance.
Refer me somewhere.
What party or group could I subscribe to that is intent on encouraging the widest possible distribution of commerce through private capital enterprise.

Both the Republican and Democratic Parties seem to be heading more and more to large publicly owned collectives with ever narrowing great power structures at the top.

The other day I heard that the government was encouraging the banks they gave the big loans to to use them to buy little banks to get them out of competitive markets.

Really is there someone or some group out there that remembers fifth grade social studies?

Don't misunderstand; I am libertarian but to a degree. But if you think I would have Ron Paul move in with me and marry my daughter.
"I wouldn't do it for all the farms in Cuba".
Bob Dylan- sort of

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