Sunday, September 21, 2008


I rented a little bus in Las Vegas last week and piled a bunch of site seers in it for an overnight visit to the Grand Canyon.
It is more than 300 miles from my condo in Vegas to the canyon, so I got a chance to visit with some of the folks riding along.
I found out from one guy that the world had been created somewhere around 6000-7000 years ago instead of the more customary millions and millions we hear about on the science channel!

This information has been passed down from the King James administration in the 1600's by the Church of England.

The King James version of the bible was published in 1611 around the time of William Shakespeare, John Donne, Ben Johnson and Sir Francis Bacon. That's why it reads so pretty.

The idea was that the Classical Latin was "too Roman" and people needed something that was real easy to read.
Apparently in there it says that this whole thing started pretty recently compared to all the findings of our scientists.

All of the Bibles that have been written since then, except the Mormon bible, have this information copied down correctly for easy understanding. King James Revised, American Standard, Living Bible, Gideons Bible etc. all are good references to this event.
More on those poor Mormons later.

So anyway, we got to the Canyon and I found out that according to scientists the Grand Canyon starting eroding almost to the day when God created the earth!----6000 years ago!

The whole sedimentary layer, according to geological scientific instruments, started about 1480 million years ago. They figure that 6000 years is about right for the canyon to have washed away like it has.

I was going to inquire why the Mormon's Bible didn't get copied down right. However, I did not ask the fellow to elaborate so I could focus on time space continuum and quantum theory.

Being a Lutheran Christian I kind of got a little miffed that this information was deliberately left out of the Catechism I had studied. Luckily Martin Luther just nailed up those 99 complaints on the door of the Catholic Church instead of trying to write his own Bible.
He might have gotten included on that lonely list with the Mormons!

The whole thing, as we see it so far, is defined in a linear way.

So, if God had started the whole thing up one day about 6000 years ago, he started it mid point along a linear measuring stick. The light was already in motion before it started, history started with a built in memory of the past, rocks where placed and polished as if they had been there much longer! Whole skeletons of old reptiles and mammals, pre-humanoid types and ancient relics were placed here and there to make it seem like we are living on an older planet.

Now, I meant to ask this informed fellow if he could come up with a reason that one group of folks were seemingly so deceived by God and the other guys back there in the 16th century were not. I did not get the chance having arrived at the edge of the great chasm by then.
I saw for myself that it was mind boggling and surely was much bigger than I could possibly ever understand. I simply thrilled at the glory of it all.
I then was preparred to truly believe all that had been reported to me.

I had nothing at all to muse about.

That night in my dreams I reconciled this seeming conflict of information.
I realized that we all think we live linear, that is; in three dimensions.
Yet science and God tells us to consider we live in at least a four dimensional universe the fourth being time space continuum.

The string theory lately presents the idea of predictable movement in more than the three commonly known directions, forward,back, left, right, up, down.

I think a lot about separate channels of reality. Parallel and chaotic to one another; mostly at night in my dreams. I think about chaotic religous beliefs from far off places and times.

It hit me------------- the Canyon------- was formed 6000 years ago! -------------------and again 5999 years ago then again 5998 years ago and then yesterday and then this morning and then now and now and then to the very left letter of the word now!
Then (reading linear from left to right) to the very inky edge of the letter "n" and then
NOW AGAIN------------------------------- AGAIN NOW!

I drove back to Las Vegas the Gambling Meca of the recently formed planet Earth to wonder why the Wall street guys had not located here in the Capital City of chance and sin.

When I returned to my condo room, I saw on the TV that the wall street guys had finally been caught selling chances at nothing at all! Then I saw the most remarkable thing!

They found a way of selling what had already been established as nothing at all to the American People to put in there savings account to spend on their next trip to Sin City Las Vegas.

I hope they can spend nothing at all somewhere more substantial like I did, on a drive to the Grand Canyon where the thin fabric of reality began eroding away at the very start of the planet and where the very fabric of our ecomony might tear in the knowledge that nothing from nothing is nothing at all.

I have nothing at all. Out of nothing at all. I have nothing at all.

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