Saturday, September 27, 2008


Bill Clinton was arguably the smartest fellow we have ever had in office.
He was caught in acts of oral outrage with someone other than Hillary Clinton his wife.

Other people had expressed dissatisfaction with Hillary as well but many people thought enough of her to let her run for the job of democratic nominee for President of the United States of America.

She ran as kind of a new age populist who promised to take money and power from all the "A" and "B" students who now controlled large publicly held corporations or worked for the pubic in the Federal Government. She promised to dole out money and power to the "C" "D" and "F" people in return for their votes.

I guess she was so mad at her husband that she had not paid much attention to the remarkable job he had done allowing big publicly owned business and government to collaborate so well with one another. The elitist mass aristocracy was having a hay day the way things were!

For example Bill Clinton had signed a bill that asked the "Fed" to relax regulation and guidelines enough to get about 60% of Americans to begin to participate in home ownership!
What you have to do to get a thing like that going is to kind of be real forgiving and optimistic that things will just keep getting better and better and that people will pay their bills even though they hadn't been good at it before being just average "C" or even "D" or "F" students.

Bill Clinton was a middle of the road democratic party President who balanced the budget and fixed up the welfare system and cut military spending and two or three other things that needed doing.
George Bush junior came along who is a way left of center Republican party member who grew the government by 40% and started wars with Iraq for having pretend poison and all sorts of other things including increasing this interest in letting everybody participate in home ownership.

Now the People who owed money to the banks for their new expensive houses could not pay.
So the banks could not pay money they owed to the likes of investment banks.
If investment banks could not pay the 2% or so back to the "Fed". So we the smart people with good "A" and "B" marks that are now running the government and big publicly owned corporations get all the monopoly money and property. Yea we win!
We the Collective People win it all we own little houses all over the board.
Oh, I hope the real Smart "A" and "B" kids will still help us run things.

We have two candidates for the Presidents job who find great ills in this present circumstance and are running little populist programs of their own. They want Hillary Clintons people to help them get the job as President, And they told us so in the great debate last friday.

One guy has arms he can't lift high enough to point out who the enemy is, but by damn if he gets in there he knows who they are and won't be swayed again from kicking their ass either abroad or right here in the corrupt government of the United States of America.

The other guy has big ears to listen to everyone who has a bitch about not getting their share and will appoint committees to be damn sure every body's getting something out of the United States of America.

I had hoped that maybe the smart guys and the average guys along with the really dumb guys would get eyes to see us working together to change the government to one that does not maintain a more powerful self interest. Work for one that does not seek more power to perform larger military or social functions.

Government works best when it governs least.
Maintain laws, roads ,and our well being yes, but stop this escalation of bigness.

This issue has been brought to you by "General Chow"a very fine canned food product.
They put the stuff in the can so you can dish it out.

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