Saturday, September 27, 2008


Bill Clinton was arguably the smartest fellow we have ever had in office.
He was caught in acts of oral outrage with someone other than Hillary Clinton his wife.

Other people had expressed dissatisfaction with Hillary as well but many people thought enough of her to let her run for the job of democratic nominee for President of the United States of America.

She ran as kind of a new age populist who promised to take money and power from all the "A" and "B" students who now controlled large publicly held corporations or worked for the pubic in the Federal Government. She promised to dole out money and power to the "C" "D" and "F" people in return for their votes.

I guess she was so mad at her husband that she had not paid much attention to the remarkable job he had done allowing big publicly owned business and government to collaborate so well with one another. The elitist mass aristocracy was having a hay day the way things were!

For example Bill Clinton had signed a bill that asked the "Fed" to relax regulation and guidelines enough to get about 60% of Americans to begin to participate in home ownership!
What you have to do to get a thing like that going is to kind of be real forgiving and optimistic that things will just keep getting better and better and that people will pay their bills even though they hadn't been good at it before being just average "C" or even "D" or "F" students.

Bill Clinton was a middle of the road democratic party President who balanced the budget and fixed up the welfare system and cut military spending and two or three other things that needed doing.
George Bush junior came along who is a way left of center Republican party member who grew the government by 40% and started wars with Iraq for having pretend poison and all sorts of other things including increasing this interest in letting everybody participate in home ownership.

Now the People who owed money to the banks for their new expensive houses could not pay.
So the banks could not pay money they owed to the likes of investment banks.
If investment banks could not pay the 2% or so back to the "Fed". So we the smart people with good "A" and "B" marks that are now running the government and big publicly owned corporations get all the monopoly money and property. Yea we win!
We the Collective People win it all we own little houses all over the board.
Oh, I hope the real Smart "A" and "B" kids will still help us run things.

We have two candidates for the Presidents job who find great ills in this present circumstance and are running little populist programs of their own. They want Hillary Clintons people to help them get the job as President, And they told us so in the great debate last friday.

One guy has arms he can't lift high enough to point out who the enemy is, but by damn if he gets in there he knows who they are and won't be swayed again from kicking their ass either abroad or right here in the corrupt government of the United States of America.

The other guy has big ears to listen to everyone who has a bitch about not getting their share and will appoint committees to be damn sure every body's getting something out of the United States of America.

I had hoped that maybe the smart guys and the average guys along with the really dumb guys would get eyes to see us working together to change the government to one that does not maintain a more powerful self interest. Work for one that does not seek more power to perform larger military or social functions.

Government works best when it governs least.
Maintain laws, roads ,and our well being yes, but stop this escalation of bigness.

This issue has been brought to you by "General Chow"a very fine canned food product.
They put the stuff in the can so you can dish it out.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


I rented a little bus in Las Vegas last week and piled a bunch of site seers in it for an overnight visit to the Grand Canyon.
It is more than 300 miles from my condo in Vegas to the canyon, so I got a chance to visit with some of the folks riding along.
I found out from one guy that the world had been created somewhere around 6000-7000 years ago instead of the more customary millions and millions we hear about on the science channel!

This information has been passed down from the King James administration in the 1600's by the Church of England.

The King James version of the bible was published in 1611 around the time of William Shakespeare, John Donne, Ben Johnson and Sir Francis Bacon. That's why it reads so pretty.

The idea was that the Classical Latin was "too Roman" and people needed something that was real easy to read.
Apparently in there it says that this whole thing started pretty recently compared to all the findings of our scientists.

All of the Bibles that have been written since then, except the Mormon bible, have this information copied down correctly for easy understanding. King James Revised, American Standard, Living Bible, Gideons Bible etc. all are good references to this event.
More on those poor Mormons later.

So anyway, we got to the Canyon and I found out that according to scientists the Grand Canyon starting eroding almost to the day when God created the earth!----6000 years ago!

The whole sedimentary layer, according to geological scientific instruments, started about 1480 million years ago. They figure that 6000 years is about right for the canyon to have washed away like it has.

I was going to inquire why the Mormon's Bible didn't get copied down right. However, I did not ask the fellow to elaborate so I could focus on time space continuum and quantum theory.

Being a Lutheran Christian I kind of got a little miffed that this information was deliberately left out of the Catechism I had studied. Luckily Martin Luther just nailed up those 99 complaints on the door of the Catholic Church instead of trying to write his own Bible.
He might have gotten included on that lonely list with the Mormons!

The whole thing, as we see it so far, is defined in a linear way.

So, if God had started the whole thing up one day about 6000 years ago, he started it mid point along a linear measuring stick. The light was already in motion before it started, history started with a built in memory of the past, rocks where placed and polished as if they had been there much longer! Whole skeletons of old reptiles and mammals, pre-humanoid types and ancient relics were placed here and there to make it seem like we are living on an older planet.

Now, I meant to ask this informed fellow if he could come up with a reason that one group of folks were seemingly so deceived by God and the other guys back there in the 16th century were not. I did not get the chance having arrived at the edge of the great chasm by then.
I saw for myself that it was mind boggling and surely was much bigger than I could possibly ever understand. I simply thrilled at the glory of it all.
I then was preparred to truly believe all that had been reported to me.

I had nothing at all to muse about.

That night in my dreams I reconciled this seeming conflict of information.
I realized that we all think we live linear, that is; in three dimensions.
Yet science and God tells us to consider we live in at least a four dimensional universe the fourth being time space continuum.

The string theory lately presents the idea of predictable movement in more than the three commonly known directions, forward,back, left, right, up, down.

I think a lot about separate channels of reality. Parallel and chaotic to one another; mostly at night in my dreams. I think about chaotic religous beliefs from far off places and times.

It hit me------------- the Canyon------- was formed 6000 years ago! -------------------and again 5999 years ago then again 5998 years ago and then yesterday and then this morning and then now and now and then to the very left letter of the word now!
Then (reading linear from left to right) to the very inky edge of the letter "n" and then
NOW AGAIN------------------------------- AGAIN NOW!

I drove back to Las Vegas the Gambling Meca of the recently formed planet Earth to wonder why the Wall street guys had not located here in the Capital City of chance and sin.

When I returned to my condo room, I saw on the TV that the wall street guys had finally been caught selling chances at nothing at all! Then I saw the most remarkable thing!

They found a way of selling what had already been established as nothing at all to the American People to put in there savings account to spend on their next trip to Sin City Las Vegas.

I hope they can spend nothing at all somewhere more substantial like I did, on a drive to the Grand Canyon where the thin fabric of reality began eroding away at the very start of the planet and where the very fabric of our ecomony might tear in the knowledge that nothing from nothing is nothing at all.

I have nothing at all. Out of nothing at all. I have nothing at all.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


DATELINE 2016+/-

I saw one of those little all electric 3 wheel pick up trucks buzzing along down Barbur Boulevard today. A bicycle guy pulled up along side and yelled to him that the single headlight set in the middle of the vehicle was turned on. It was 3:30 in the daylight afternoon.

The old guy driving the little pick up may have been a little hard of hearing and yelled back his response "it's an all electric vehicle".

The bike guy yelled back, "your light is on in the day time wasting energy"!

The old guy yelled it is an all electric car! I have light on for safety.

The bike guy pulls up to his window and pounds his fist on the side window of the old guys little pick up truck.

The old guy rolls down his window all the way and repeats "it is an all electric vehicle".
"The light is on for safety"!

The bike guy says "I don't give a damn about your safety"! "If you don't turn off that energy wasting light I am going to call the cops" and they will fine you all the energy credits you'll ever earn. You god damn right wing capitalist pig polluting energy wasting son of a bitch!
"The carbon foot print you are trailing is an affront to every rational human being on the planet".
Now, turn that polution shit pot off or I'll blow your sticking guts out right here and now.


Thanks for reading this weeks blog sent early due to vacation plans. Don't forget to try our growing list of sponsors products especailly "GENERAL CHOW" pop open a can for the adventure of a lifetime in dinning!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


John McCain, the "imperfect servant" accepted his candidacy from the Republican Party for the Presidency last week and got a bigger crowd to listen to him than Barrack Obama the week before!
Even with the storm interrupting the whole deal more people tuned in. Maybe they wanted to watch the new gal.
I know I did. Nothing better to turn my head than a good looking, ass kicking female, in charge of blowing away the good old boys.

So I guess it is all over now but the shouting.
We are going to have one or the other as President this next go around.
They are going to change how Washington does business.
It doesn't matter which team wins ------------------that's what the game will be.

It makes sense to me. I understand the only thing people hate more than the present President is the guys they hired for Congress.


The NFL announced Tuesday its 17-week, 256-game regular-season schedule for 2008, which kicks off on Thursday night, Sept. 4 and concludes on Sunday, Dec. 28.

2008 NFL schedule
By team: AFC NFC
NFL Network games Video
Preseason schedule
Carucci: 43 must-see games
Schefter: Dissecting the schedule
Promising Browns hit prime time
Inside the schedule: AFC NFC
Video: Madden breaks down key games
The season begins with the NFL's annual Thursday primetime kickoff game. This year the opener on Sept. 4 on NBC (7 p.m. ET) features the Super Bowl XLII champion New York Giants at home against the NFC East Division-rival Washington Redskins.
Looks like a hell of a line up, and how ironic that the Washington Redskins are going to try to beat some New York Giants. Thought that had already happened! Let me double check.
Now McCain has a lot of experience on the field and is stubborn as hell about his playbook.He does not take plays called in from the sideline.
Obama does not have much field play but statistics show so far he takes almost all his plays from the sidelines.

I don't know which team is my favorite yet.
If I was sure that we the people would call in the plays I would vote Obama.Yet statistics show the people sent in a bunch of guys they ended up hating.

So maybe McCain would be better since he knows so many more players.

Yeah that's probably the best idea.