Samuel Adams #1 item
"How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words"
Samuel Adams TOWN MEETING NOV 2 1772 "The Legislative cannot justly assume to itself a power to rule by extempore arbitrary decrees; but it is bound to see that justice is dispensed, and that the rights of the subjects be decided by promulgated, standing, and known laws, and authorized independent judges"; that is, independent, as far as possible, of Prince and people. "There should be one rule of justice for rich and poor, for the favorite at court, and the countryman at the plough."
Samuel Adams #2 item
Samuel Adams Imperial Pilsner -- A hop lover's dream come true
Now what do we know about this Sam Adams, Mayor of Portland?
Let us make a deep probe into his problem area.
We know that Mr. Sam Adams was a practising homosexual and together we voted for him this last year to be the Mayor of all the people of Portland.
We know that he flirted around with an underage boy and later at the young consenting age of 18 this young man and the Mayor had engaged in consenting acts of a sexual nature. This and only this we know now from the Mayor himself.
We trust that findings from the appropriate legal authority will discover the guilt or innocence of the Mayor, and that it will not be hidden or exaggerated due to his high ranking place in local politics.
If evidence is found that crimes may have been committed he will be prosecuted.
If he is found to be innocent of crime he should stand up to his critics and set about to perform the duties of Mayor as we have assigned to him through the political process; period, end of the public condemnation or consideration.
Now lets probe the recent actions of this fresh new Mayor a little harder.
Eric Adams from KGW reports on what has come to be called the
Mayors "Stimulus Package"
#1------1911 jobs created in Bureau of Environmental Services IE: sewers. Something the City of Portland "that works" was and should have been planning all along.
#2------275 jobs in Bureau of Housing with 125 jobs directly at housing 150 jobs to veteran's housing. Both charitable and laudable endeavors but hardly the rightful duty of the City of Portland . This could be easily shifted to another jurisdiction perhaps ushered over to one of Obama's very fine budding volunteer organizations.
#3-----165 jobs in the city's office of emergency management and 138 jobs in Portland Parks. In order to not further the economic hardship on us all I presume they have identified and eliminated an equal number of jobs which require leaning on "shovel ready projects" of current street and sewer work occurring daily all over the "City that works."
#4----1209 jobs in the Bureau of Transportation. Wow, how come so many?
#5---- 1507 jobs in the city's Water Bureau. Really, we've got that much more water?
Right about here it gets real vague as to how the wages for all this is to be paid without drastic cuts in current unproductive services which of course is beyond shocking if so much has been at waste before.
If this kind of money has been systematically wasted through inefficiencies how will this different spending help stimulate the economy now?
Why not just cut taxes on property owners the $503 million that the plan will spend and put the money in private hands which will be spent presumably on cost effective business enterprise groceries automobiles you know, goods and services required for a robust economy. If 5000 plus people are going to be awarded these jobs where is the stimulus if it just goes right back into the Mayors great black hole of economic recession.
I would further ask that the Mayor be sure that the historical cronyism and contract favoritism so prevalent in the "City that works" be sought out and eliminated as a part of the stimulus plan. Or has the city and it's citizens been so corrupted as to wish that federal dollars be sent here for us to line our pockets and grind down further our free economic system of private enterprise?
Now a strong rebuke from our sponsor GENERAL CHOW.
We at General Chow continue to sponsor the SWINE Blog because they have been such great contributors to the "Food for Thought program" However we must advise our customers many of the opinions expressed are NOT shared by our company President and Owner General Chow!
STATEMENT: Historians, Beer Drinkers, Gay people and workers both in city and private enterprise that are mentioned in the above editorial and in other places in these Blogs are advised they are welcome and encouraged to buy our very fine canned food product GENERAL CHOW!
Please locate a stocking dealer in your area and buy just as much of it as you can. A large inventory of GENERAL CHOW may come in very handy in the following months till this economy comes around like in my fine country of China.